Simply Dramatic, that’s how the dancer, singer, and songwriter Janelle Monae described herself. When first hearing Monae I was skeptic about her because now days a lot of artist, female at that seem to be no good. So I really didn’t jump on her right away. However after my friend who is truly and deeply into real music as I am told me, “Kris you don’t need to be sleeping on this chick she’s hot. She needs to be in your iPod.” Taking that advice into huge consideration I started following Ms. Monae and her works. Her debut album ArchAndroid was more of the tip of the iceberg for me. The nice acoustic guitar and base drum that accompanies her voice makes each of Monae’s projects killer. Cold War is one that made me emotional and shed a tear. I really love the classic influence she promotes. Today’s music industry needs artists like Janelle Monae to redefine the boundaries, smash the stereotypes and question the public's conditioning of what is 'cool'. She is a true artist. Her musical influences have created a beast of talent in which we see ass Janelle Monae.