Tack after track, So Long ft Kiara Dupree, Supercharged, Drinks On Me, Sumbody, and Ya Bitch, just a few of my personal favorites from Nu Money's "Double Cup and Nightmares". Nu Money was able to produce a mixture of quality music with solid features. Some of the production could have been a little more crisp, however the 4 minutes and 59 second from Supercharged will have you hype the whole time. I would consider this my club banger, just when you think your running out of energy Supercharge is there to prove you wrong.
The track "Sumbody" would have been my favorite of all the songs however it was too short and had me wanting more (not really too much a bad thing if you think about it), but I would loved to hear more than 2:22 and riding of the beat. The chorus is really what got me. Not so much a disappointment after "So Long" featuring Kiara Dupree came on. I really don't know how to describe it but each word touched on a lot of stuff and then the harmony in her voice just spiced it up a little bit more.
Now males are trying to sing and rap on their track, that is cool and all, but on another note it always becomes more tasteful and sensual when you hear a female voice.
Get your own take of Nu Money's mixtape and request it on Highly Dope Radio (hihglydoperadio@gmail.com) or contact Nu Money yourself for a personal copy.
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