Like I said last time he is Determined Point Blank. Now all that determination, hard work and lack of sleep (lol) has landed him to be featured on BET’s 106 & Park December 22, 2010. DeWun a young man who I meet only a few months has made so much success in short period of time he is playing no games. We have become close friends and he has allowed me to do a one on one interview to shine more light on what’s ahead.
Mscurry414: So Mr. Owusu, how does it feel to be at one of the few highest points in your life right now?
DeWun: Umm, who said I’ve only had a few high points?? Lol...Define high?? haha well I will say I’m pretty excited and its opening a few doors for me. My whole and plan is for it to not stop at 106 & park.
Mscurry414: As it has become official we know that you will be on 106 & Park Dec 22, 2010 (Make Sure You Tune in and VOTE) and it jumped off because you opened for Trina. Tell me how it actually panned out and what were your feelings, emotion and thoughts during the whole encounter.
DeWun: WELL JUST TO CLARIFY, THAT IS NOT HOW IT HAPPEN, Actually the opportunity came from a showcase called Primetime Texarkana (Thanks to 12ftunder.com). Pat Charles (Senior show writer and casting director of 106 & Park) was the judge. Do to me and my dancer’s performance, I was chosen to perform on 106. Truthfully I was nervous, because he had finished naming off people he liked, and he was giving out tips and pointers on who needs to improve…then in the middle of that he suddenly was like “OH YEAH! There was this one guy, DeWun” he called me up to the stage and had me spit my entire song. After that he was like you’re in…. I damn near fell on the floor. Lol!
Mscurry414: Lol well thanks for the clarity and I bet you were weak in the knees, I can kind of visualize your reaction! I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing and working with you back when you released The Off Season Vol. 1, which is still hot and in heavy rotation, but tell me about the new project that you are currently working on?
DeWun: Wow, there is much to say about this upcoming project. Lets start with the name “WUNLUV”. So many meanings are within the name alone. But when I sat down and started formulating this one, I was at a particular point in life…won’t go in detail…lol..BUT!!! WUNLUV is about that one love or relationship that everybody has had. In which it started out really promising and wonderful, and ended up in flame. The premise of the project is literally “From Hello, to F*ck You” because everybody has felt that way about someone. So the album is a story of a relationship. The first track is Hello and the last track, Goodbye. Every track in between is part of the story progression. I’m looking forward to sharing this “WUN”.
Mscurry414: Very interesting, I dig the concept and I can heavenly relate to it. Listening to you work you have put in hard work and creativity. What artists inspired you too become involved with music? What is your favorite album of all time? What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career?
DeWun: UMM, artist who inspired me could go on for days but people in my life who inspire me on a daily basis, my grandmother who I call NANA, is my daily inspiration. That is my favorite person in the world and she always has been my inspiration to do better. Secondly my father Eric Kwaku Owusu who passed in 2006, being the youngest, I had the least amount of time to make him proud. So the way I see it is, heaven is pretty far up, so I have to do something big enough to be seen from the clouds. My ultimate goal is to not be an artist but a mogul with a positive influence. It seems like in the industry now, all the most influential people encourage others/their listeners to do dumb things. The elite of the industry can’t stay out of jail to save their lives smh it’s a shame. Lol
Mscurry414: Unlike other artist, you don't seem to gravitate to the artists that's hot at the moment. How would you describe your outlook as far as what you try to get across?
DeWun: I just want to do meaningful music. I mean of course you have your singles, which due to what the other artist in the industry have done, have to be dumbed down for the masses. But overall I just want to have a mix of substance and popularity. I’m not trying to compete in the lane of lupe or 3 stacks (WHICH ARE TWO OF MY FAVORITES), but by no means am I trying to “waka flock it” or “burr” my audience to death lol. I want people of all ages, races, and background to listen to me and appreciate the content.
Mscurry414: You have me rolling over here lol. So with that being said on the past 2010 BET Awards they had the BET Ghana Cypher, as a native of Ghana how does that make you feel? Can you already see your future on the next BET Awards or Cypher? Would you ever go to Ghana and do performances and such out there?
DeWun: Of course I’m excited to see GHANA making a mainstream noise. I definitely plan on contributing to that. The culture has had a huuggge (emphasis on huge) impact on my childhood and life. And yeah cypher, I’m not so much a freestyler, but the BET awards reppin’ for the home team! YES!!! I also want to get the newcomer award. I’m working on becoming part of the freshman class. Also, I ultimately plan to go to Ghana and hold a concert, and donate proceeds to back to the children of Ghana.
Mscurry414: Since you announced your success how has things changed for you? And I mean all aspects like females, friends, your work ethics everything.
DeWun: Well, female wise there are a few more that hadn’t necessarily noticed me before, and friends? No change, I’ve had the same couple of true friends since high school, shout out to Jerzee and Range! Along the way I’ve become close to a few others that grind with me. My dude Arkutec, Jeremy Pikture Perfekt Dixon, B10, and The Rivalz. And work ethic has been put into overdrive. Anybody who has known me before this knows I work day in and day out, but NOW… I’m working on top of working. I’ve been waiting on this opportunity since I was 13. Can’t let it go to waste.
Mscurry414: Working with you I know that you will stay humble and have mad success on your way to the top. Is there anything you would like to tell the people? This is your time for a public service announcement…lol
DeWun: Shout out to everybody who supports me now, and supported from the beginning. And get ready for the takeover….. check me out at tune into BET 106 & Park vote Dec. 22, 2010 at 6PM Eastern time and text “A” to 79922
Want to stay on head of the game and know more about DeWun and his success check him out @ these places
Follow him @DeWun_Music on twitter