DeWun a cool, talented young man that I meet sadly to say through facebook is getting ready to take over 2010 with his music genius. Of course a lot of artist says the same thing that this is their year to make a movement, but DeWun is soon to shine and make his mark. Give him time he's just in his "Off Season" jogging through getting warmed up.
DeWun got started producting in '04 with a group called southern born and then the young talented artist started performing and recording in '05. DeWun began working with local artist that turned no into national artist and producers. This man is a multi-tasker taking the roles of performing/recording artist, audio engineer, producer, song writer and arranger. Like I said he is only in his off season getting warmed up.
He covers all genres when it comes to creating such as pop, R&B, Hip Hop, soft rock, he does his best to cover all facets. One of DeWun's projects I was able to checkout was The Off Season- Volume . DeWun had MAD creativity thoroughout the album. When you push play to start the CD the introduction catches you right on point. its funny, serious and a nice pulic announcement. He did a fool, making me want to listen to more. My favorite on The Off Season are Spaceship ft J Lew, She Doesn't Know, Four Seasons, and How To Fly. She Doesn't know had the feeling, the vibe and the style of Outkast. I fell in love with the hook. It was not "really" on key but that made it loveable. Four Seasons had the right vocals and icy lyrics to make it a hit on the album. However some of the songs i could'nt really listen to throughout but thats because of my style and music preference. But he delivered a nice CD, not a mixtape but his Off Season creativity that he himself produce, wrote, performed and engineered.
DeWun is working on an album now called "WUNLUV" about a relationship. Already his title is DOPE so I know his deliverance on the album will surely follow. DeWun says that his itunez release date for "WUNLUV" should be 11-11-10. However The Off Season-Volume 1 is already ready for download and you to check out. I'm telling you hands down DeWun will take over 2012.
Want to keep up with Mr. DeWun you can find him on facebook at www.facebook.com/DeWun or http://myspace.com/DeWunMusic
Awesome album, I must say! He doesn't really know, but strangely Guest List and Spaceship got me through my car accident in Oct. of '09! DeWun, your talent is elite among your peers and way beyond your years. Keep breaking bread my friend... carry on...
I was feelin' his cd The Off Season....I was really diggin' Spaceship. Kinfolk has real talent. And for the blogger Kristina well put together how you promoted him if you can call it that. How you pieced it together i felt the need to go check him out..DeWun ur raw fam!