Ebony D. Lewis a college graduate, a artist, an athlete, a all around cool chick. I meet Ebony when I first entered the University of Texas A&M Commerce. She watched over me like a lil sister because she knew my older siblings. This young lady is one of the smoothest females I have meet in my life time. She was an art major at commerce but her art was not only confined to the class room. She paints exquisite master pieces, singles or in series and when she does so she puts her heart into it. A suburban girl from Cedar Hill, Texas took what was pain from her father’s demise and turned it into a God given gift. Ebony paints, write poetry and does photography. She is what you can say is a “starving artist” who takes actions to eat. I have seen her perform at the Back Beat CafĂ© in Dallas, Texas where her connections to pushing her work out there is endless. Ebony favorite quote is, “All work has profit but mere talk leads to poverty”
Proverbs 14:23. It’s hard for me to read a poem if the title is not attention getting nor is the first few lines, but when Ebony writes she gives you everything up front and still manages to deliver a hit at the end. She takes things from everyday life and makes you see it from a whole other perspective that you would never think of.
Her work like “Doctors in You Have a Serious case of the "Lonely" had me going for days. Her metaphors and play with word, the realistic way that she wrote it was incredible. (excerpts)… “ Symptomes of "The Lonely" may include:Hanging around ppl you kno could care less about you yet in still you do so just to keep your mind off of "Lonely"…. “Solutions for "The Lonely": The best solution is accepting where you are its okay to be by yourself sometimes in fact its healthy remember being Lonely and Alone are two different things,…”
But don’t just take it from me, there are many more who can vouch that she is a beast at EVERYTHING that she does. Want to read her work or check her out, look her up on facebook.
(link to Ebony Lewis facebook)