Having a different grasp on music he doesn't quite fit in nor does he stand out. But he makes music according to his creative flow.
Mikal George, born in Canada grew up listening to bands like No Doubt and Green Day as well as hip hop acts like Red Man and ... Bow Wow. Sad to him he moved to the States at the age of 6 and began moving around to different states. After a few years in New York, He began recording his own sounds (as horrible as they are lol) and calling them music. By the time he finished high school, Mouse (as he calls himself) had finished "The Ginyu Force" EP and another project that we shall call "The Project Formally Known As Prince" for now. He released his 1st single from "The Ginyu Force" EP on October 23rd, 2011 and fastforward to now, He getting ready to start launching out more crappy music. :)
Mouse: "As far as "The Ginyu Force" EP goes, it was written during a really rough period in life. I was making suicidal songs and giving them a cheerful disguise and that's pretty much "The Ginyu Force" in it's essence.This next project that we shall call "The Project Formally Known As Prince", is a metaphorical mass e-mail to various women who I have a soft spot in my Pink heart for."
Mouse: To My Fans and listeners he would like to say Thank you so much for caring <3
- Mousingworth Suckington
Follow Mouse on Twitter @MouseSucks or on soundcloud.com/mousesucks