Courtesy, honor, generosity and faithfulness the CODE of CHIVALRY is what made man a “knight” and worthy of the love of a woman. Chivalry has seemed to become irrelevant today (as I see it in my generation) and that is a tragic loss for both men and women.
As a young woman growing up we were taught to declare ourselves equal to men in all aspects and in no need of superior treatment. If only women would realize that chivalry was a way of showing respect and devotion, not condescension. So do we have any hope of ever regaining this lost system of virtue?
Chivalry will become revived when women begin acting like women again. We cannot blame all problems on men (not giving them any slack), however when girls learn to mature and get that condescending quote “I can do bad all by myself” out their minds then men can learn to respect them. No man wants to teach his girl what the mother should have done. Once you portray yourself in a certain way that’s the way you will be treated as, thus fighting for the attention of a guys eye is not the route. Our generation of young women is on a decline, but the name calling, baby out of wedlock, and sex confusion is on a rise do to the misconception that all men (or women) are perfect or the I'm too independent role. The "I don’t need a man, I’m independent by myself" way of thinking. Don’t get me wrong being independent is good, however there are boundaries a woman should have and that’s where a man steps in hint hint “CHIVALRY”.
I am a product of my mother and a child of God, so I know my place as a woman. Do you?
((credits to Briana Baker && Christina Miller for their conversation))