Head Over Heels, Good Times Good Friends, Touch the Sky, doesn't that just scream "pass me a bottle of wine?" I am not a wine drinker but I have a nice pallet and know a good wine when I taste one. When I tell you it was an amazing experience to taste Love Cork Screw collection of wine! I simply fell in LOVE. I was attending Love Cork Screw Wine & Fashion Mixer at the Bronzeville Collectives MKE hosted by Tiffany Miller this past weekend, it was a vibe of love, support, locals and lots of connections.
While at the Mixer I was able to meet the owner and CEO of Love Cork Screw Chrishon Lampley while she was doing wine tastings and on spot purchases. Chrishon is one of few African-American vintners in the industry. Her energy was amazing and her knowledge of pairing the wine and the background gave me more confident on making a purchase. What I loved about LCS wine is that after tasting each one, the name of them matched the taste. For example, I dislike with a passion Pinot Grigo because they are always dry. I would choose Chardonnay over it any time. However this Pinot Grigio had a crisp taste to it, a clean and refreshing feeling with a subtle after taste of the apple and pear. It literally made me smile and think of having a "Good Time with Good Friends." The 'Hard Knock Life" was nothing short in flavor. Upon first sip the blasting flavor of fresh concord grapes took me back to childhood. Almost like Smuckers, if I wasn't careful I would have done the Smuckers lip smack (lol). My favorite of the five (5) flavors was Niagara also known as "Touch The Sky."When sipping this an array of seafood dishes came rushing to my mind on how to prepare the two together.
When we are invited somewhere it is always hard to choose which "Thank You' wine you should bring, however you cannot go wrong with any of these choices. They are all literally perfect. I will be ordering some for myself and others as party favors. If you want to learn more about Love Cork Screw wine and where to purchase just click any of the links below!
Twitter: @ChrishonLampley
InstaGram: @lovecorkscrew
Facebook: @OfficialChrishonLampley